CHARLOTTE — Eduardo Gaspar first felt a call to do more for God and his community four years ago.
He and his wife had just experienced the loss of one of their sons, and while dealing with his grief he also felt a desire to reach out to others through faith, especially young people. One of the deacons at his parish, St. Charles Borromeo in Morganton, asked him if he would consider studying to become a deacon.
Gaspar took up the challenge and on March 7 was one of 14 men from around the Diocese of Charlotte instituted as lectors by Bishop Michael Martin at St. Patrick Cathedral in Charlotte, an important step on the road to becoming deacons and serving a critical role in the Church.
As lectors, the deacon candidates are now commissioned to give the readings at Mass, except proclaim the Gospel. They may also announce the intentions during the Prayers of the Faithful and, in the absence of a cantor, recite the Responsorial Psalm. This is the second of three steps on their path to eventual ordination as deacons, anticipated for 2027.
Being lectors will offer the men the chance to develop their understanding of and relationship with Scripture as they look forward to becoming deacons, said Deacon John Kopfle, director of deacons for the Diocese of Charlotte.
“Deacons have a special connection to the Scriptures because we proclaim the Gospels – we’re called to be close to the Word of God,” Deacon Kopfle said.
The Word of God can have transformative power, Bishop Martin told the 14 deacon candidates in his homily at the special Mass.
The Bible is not an ordinary book, he said. “Sacred Scripture, by its very nature, is a personal encounter with the living God. So, I ask you, my brothers, are you ready to continue that deepening relationship with the living God, as we encounter our God in the Word?”
“Get excited for how you will begin to see the Lord at work in your life, in some really exceptional ways,” he said. “I’m excited for you – I know what that encounter has meant in my life.”
During the rite instituting them as lectors, each of the men approached the altar and knelt before Bishop Martin, who presented them with the Book of the Gospels.
“Take this book of Holy Scripture and be faithful in handing on the Word of God, so that it may grow strong in the hearts of His people,” he told each of them.
The Mass was also a chance for about 50 permanent deacons from across the diocese to renew the promises they made at their own ordinations. They stood and answered a series of questions from Bishop Martin, including: “Do you resolve to conform your way of life always to the example of Christ, of whose Body and Blood you are ministers at the altar?”
“I do, with the help of God,” they responded in unison.
The newly installed lectors are: Francis Ahn of St. Matthew in Charlotte, John Baughman of Sacred Heart in Salisbury, Eduardo Gaspar from St. Charles Borromeo in Morganton, Eric Kennedy of St. Mark in Huntersville, Timothy Knorr from Immaculate Heart of Mary in High Point, Huy Le of St. Mary’s in Greensboro, Bruce Mlakar from St. Matthew, Christopher Neubauer of St. Paul the Apostle in Greensboro, Tracy Neumann of St. Therese in Mooresville, Jose Oviedo of St. James the Greater in Concord, William Parker from St. Pius X in Greensboro, William Tolone of St. Thomas Aquinas in Charlotte, Oswaldo Vargas of St. Joan of Arc in Candler, and Eric Yarrington of St. John the Evangelist in Waynesville.
The pews were filled with family members of the new lectors, ranging from families with small children to senior citizens. Many of them focused intently as their loved one received the Book of the Gospels from the bishop and some took photos of the special moment.
Bishop Martin thanked the wives and families of the deacon candidates for supporting them and also thanked those responsible for their instruction.
Francis Ahn said his years of preparation in the diaconate program so far have been wonderful for him, especially the quality of instruction he’s receiving. The candidates are receiving theological training through Belmont Abbey and currently are studying the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. They also are learning public speaking and will take a course in basic homiletics as well, said Deacon William Schreiber, the diocese’s director of deacon formation.
Ahn said becoming a lector was a powerful spiritual moment for him.
“It was an amazing experience – being in front of the bishop and receiving the Book of the Gospels was so meaningful. I felt the importance of what was happening.”
The liturgy was also an emotional one for Bruce Mlakar, who was surprised to see his son, Father Jacob Mlakar, there to concelebrate the Mass with Bishop Martin. Father Chinonso Nnebe-Agumadu from St. Mark Parish was also a concelebrant.
Father Mlakar, pastor at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Jefferson and St. Frances of Rome Mission in Sparta, had originally told his dad he wasn’t going to be able to be there because he would be celebrating a Mass for First Saturday.
“I was definitely not expecting to see him here today,” the elder Mlakar said. “It was extra special to be able to share that moment of my installation with my son on the altar and with my wife here.”
He said listening to Bishop Martin talk about the power of Scripture brought home to him the special duty he now has in his new role. “Becoming a lector is both a responsibility and a great gift.”
Gaspar said he felt a deep and “beautiful connection” between what he has been learning recently about the Gospels of Mark and Matthew and the homily Bishop Martin offered at the Mass.
“I can feel the call from God getting more intense, and when I pray, I tell Him to send me wherever He wants me to go,” Gaspar said. “Studying for the diaconate has caused my faith and my prayer life to grow so much. I live the sacraments with devotion and feel devotion to the Holy Eucharist like I never did before.”
— Christina Lee Knauss. Photos by Troy C. Hull
How do men become permanent deacons?
There are several steps men must complete before becoming permanent deacons. The process typically takes about six years.
Inquiry (1 year): Applications are reviewed by the diocese’s Diaconal Formation Team.
Aspirancy (2 years): Classes on the faith and guidelines for determining a true calling are held for those selected to be aspirants. The Formation Team discerns if the aspirant is ready to be nominated and formally accepted as a candidate by the bishop.
Formation (3 years): Candidates and their wives take in-person and virtual classes on human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral formation. Instruction is provided by Belmont Abbey College and members of the Formation Team.
Ordination: At the conclusion of formation, candidates are assessed and, if selected, are called to ordination by the bishop.